19 March 2011

Michael Bolton - Ready for You

Man this song was hard, but also, so nice! Michael Bolton is really a master in song writing. I love his music. So my right hand muscles finally memorized the chords and I could play them, but I still needed 'Injured Tom' for the fast fingerpicking. So while I'm training my left handed play for not needing to play right handed anymore [in this awesome way] I also stress my wrist a lot. So I guess its gonna take a while before I do something like this again. Prolly when I don't need the right-hand guitar anymore..

Anyways here is the vid:

Now for the chords, I bet you like 'm. I'm gonna make another video, which is going to be an instructional vid, and that will be tomorrow! [Link to the chords]


  1. Thanks! My favorite Michale Bolton is from Office Space though.

  2. Nice. Not a big fan of this music though

  3. Nice liked it alot :D

  4. I'm legitimately impressed. Loved the video editing, the music, everything. Great job.

  5. good job editing the vid! Adobe aftereffects? And its a really beautiful song =)
