23 June 2011

Glasses on a PVC pipe? Wait.. what?

16 June 2011

Cubase Pro Tips: Mastering the Sound

When this song is done, I'mma break it down step by step and show you all about it. But the last few days I've been stuck staring at my pc screen, knowing I've got so much more to master. I've now come to the final step of producing this song. Mastering the volumes.

12 June 2011

Late night jams, true pianos and sore shoulders

Cubase Homestudio

I had my next blog item scheduled last Friday. It could have been done. But I made a promise:  I wouldn't release a new song until I'm completely satisfied with it. And I knew I could improve this one. And I'm still doing so!

04 June 2011

How to play the F Major chord shape on guitar

It's time to take my guitar practices to the next level. Most open chords have been done. I've took my time to stretch. "Let us F major" the wise man said.