20 July 2011

How to play Bob Marley's Stir it Up? With backing track

Lately I've spend a lot of time focusing on recording, editing and mastering @ my home studio. When the summer passes I'll be moving back to my parents home. I'll be making major acoustic adjustments to that little bit of space that'll be assigned to me. So much more to tell you about the home studio part.

Today I thought it was well past time that I focus some more on my left handed guitar skills. Playing the E, A en D major chords in a 'Stir it up' tune. See 'more' to learn how I'm handling this.


I made a backing track, because like I say in the video: "What`s an exercise without a backing track?" (answer = boring). So I made my own backing track.
I even picked up the bongo's that 've been laying on the bed for months. And man, playing bongos is so much harder than it looks. I'll place these on Ebay right away!
If you happen to have some bongos laying around you should take a look at the guys youtube channel Bongorilao . He plays the bongos to nearly any tune that's out there.
Enough about the bongos, here's the backing track:

Backtrack Marley by MirrorGuitar

We're playing three open major chords. E major and A major you should be already familiar with if you did this exercise: E major to A major.

For the right rhythm/ strumming pattern take a look at the youtube vid:


  1. You explained nicely in the video and I really liked the backtrack a really enjoyable tune along with your guitar It's awesome :]

  2. Oh wow, at first I thought it wasnt going to sound good, but as soon as you mixed with the backing track it all came together

  3. I would love to learn how to play that. =p

  4. More bongos!

    Very well played my man! Sounds very good

  5. bob marley quotes and his music was awesome and even yours all the best.

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