23 June 2011

Glasses on a PVC pipe? Wait.. what?

The editing is taking a lot of time. You might have already known (viewing my last two posts). I figured -although the song isn't completely finished- I'd make a start on the video editing. I can always swap the audio later.

So what happened then? Look at the vid! Look at it!

This will be the 'solo' part. I've never been hardcore on guitar solo's. Always taking it mild and mellow. (I just can't do any better)

Did you noticed me in my own glasses! I'm chalanging myself @ video editing. I'm using Corel Video Studio for this. I know I ought to be switching to Adobe After Effects and put my time and effort in that program. But for now I manage with Corel, it`s fast and stable and I like it =)

A reflection of me! In my glasses! How awesome!

I tried Sony Vegas, Premiere and Magix, but still love this one!

That's it for the update.

PS. Don't we look cool together?


  1. Heh I loved your own reflection on your shades, that rocked!
    And the tune is mellow, I love it :D

  2. Great post, love the vid and especially the awesome pics.

  3. So cool man very well done :) Can't wait to see the final product :D

  4. Wow! it turned out great!

  5. Haha nice one mate! and yeah you do look kewl :P

  6. Tokker you sexy thang ;]

  7. You look totally cool!....homeless BUT COOL MAN! :D

  8. #19's got it just right, homeless but cool :P

    For a left handed guitar blog, it seems strange to play right handed ;)

  9. I like the song and the concept is really awesome :]

  10. Nice post and video.

    I've always used Sony Vegas for my video editing and I love it.

  11. Looking forward for more.

  12. That's coming along nicely. Well done, will check back for the final product when you have it

  13. Great post mate, nice progress. Liking the effect off the glasses!

  14. that's awesome dude! keep up the good work :)

  15. that's pretty cool with reflection in the glasses :)

  16. gaaf gedaan hoor!!
    gr, WB

  17. don't people use pvc pipe for plumbing anymore, LOL
